Icon Duo!

Bibliographische Detailangaben
UntertitelThe best scenes for two for the 21st century
Ressourcentyp Druckerzeugnis
OrtIcon New York (Herstellungsort)
DatumIcon 2009 (Erscheinungsdatum)
UmfangXVI, 502 S.
BeschreibungWeitere Angaben: ed. by Joyce E. Henry ...

The scenes contained in this volume are presented exactly as written by the playwrights, with no internal deletions. The introductions to each follow the headings "Characters," "Scene," and "Time"; the playwrights' stage directions are contained in parentheses. If any two-character scene is interrupted by a third character, some external business, or an event which would be difficult to reproduce in a classroom or audition situation, we have enclosed the section in brackets as a suggested cut
Applause Theatre and Cinema Books (Verlag), Henry, Joyce E. (Mitwirkungen)