FID Performing Arts uses VuFind as a discovery system. The library search system is developed at Villanova University (USA) as free software and is also used in many other FIDs for search functions.
HomepageTwo software products are used for the online presence of the FID Performing Arts.
FID Performing Arts uses VuFind as a discovery system. The library search system is developed at Villanova University (USA) as free software and is also used in many other FIDs for search functions.
HomepageFor the news and service pages, FID Performing Arts uses the open source content management system Wagtail, which is based on Django. Wagtail offers the possibility of responding quickly to requests from the community.
HomepageThe current source code of the VuFind instance of the FID Performing Arts can be found on the collaborative developer platform GitHub.
The logo of FID Performing Arts is available for reuse under the CC-BY-SA 4.0 license.
A BEACON file enables websites to be linked that contain authority data on entities such as people (e.g. personal encyclopedias or library catalogues). FID Performing Arts provides BEACON files on the people, corporate bodies, works and events in the performing arts that are available in the FID portal. More information about BEACON