CALL FOR APPLICATION: Kick-Off Event Bewerbungsstart Graduiertenkolleg 2638 »Normativität, Kritik, Wandel« | online | 29.02.2024 | Deadline Bewerbung: 22.04.2024

6. Februar 2024 GTW

GRADUIERTENKOLLEG 2638: Normativität, Kritik, Wandel

Dear Prospective Applicants to GRK 2638,

We warmly invite all those intrigued by the prospect of applying for a doctoral position within the GRK "Normativity, Critique, Change." Join us for this engaging event to delve deeper into our GRK, gain insights into the application process, and ask any questions you might have regarding the GRK. The online-only event will take place February 29, 15-17:30h.

While we will conduct the presentation in German, we encourage you to ask your questions in English.

To join, click and scan the QR Code in the attached poster or join via this link: GRK Kick-Off Event 2 Cohort.

There is no registration needed. Just drop in whenever you can make it. Please share this invitation with your friends and peers, if you will. 

We look forward to an interactive session with you, and will open our online portal right after the event to receive your applications, which will remain open until April 22.


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